Oh my god another field camp.. It was the field camp I dreaded most because well, it was the second field camp in my army life and the first one was basically a horror movie so I was scared out of my mind for this one. But surprisingly, it wasn't the commanders or sergeants who tortured us, but the fucking rain. IT RAINED THREE DAYS STRAIGHT for every single training in the forest. My body ached and it was so uncomfortable walking around with mild foot rot as my boots were filled with water for the 3 days and I didn't even take out my boots to air my feet because I was just so scared to see the state of my feet and was afraid it would be so painful to put my foot back into the boot. So I left my feet in and it was so fucking uncomfortable.. Sleeping on the muddy ground was so disgusting. And lucky me, I got an ant infested ground. And I'm not joking when I say any infested. The ants in that forest are fucking VICIOUS. They bit through my foot packets and maggie new INSIDE MY BAG PACK and literally built an ant's best in my bag pack in a couple of hours. There was a freaking colony in my bag pack and when I came back from training I got a shock. I had to overturn the bag and pat it so many times.. Anyway here's a picture of my feet after field camp..(Disclaimer : I am not responsible for any nausea relating to the photo below, scroll at your own discretion)
It was so fucking cold in the night. Sleeping with a wet uniform, mud filled boots and in the cold was torturous. It was like I was in Japan or something. I woke up every 2 hours shivering to death and had to light candles to warm myself up but ended up burning my hands instead... Well, at least I'm luckier than one of my friends who got bitten by a centipede.. Yea.. At 3am, his finger swelled up..
Sigh army life.. And I've been really depressed the past few days because I think I got partial hearing loss in my right ear due to the gunshots ... Last Saturday we had section live firing which was shooting simultaneously in a group of 7 soldiers. And while running for cover my earplugs came out and being unaware, I just kept shooting and spamming my rounds and only after the shooting I realised I couldn't hear. At first I thought I couldn't find my earplugs in my ear, then. I realised I kinda lost my hearing. I'm hoping to regain it over the next few days but according to the Internet, a small amount of damage is permanent..
Sigh army life..
Okay now back to my civilian life... Recently I've been obsessed with redecorating my house and I got a new clock which I LOVE SO MUCH!! Even though me and my parents have a hard time reading it because it has no numbers.. We decided to leave the clock on the wall as an art piece and refer to our phones for time.. ( I know my family is so weird)
Isn't it gorgeous!? Or at least I think it is..
Oh and my current music playlist :
Applause by Lady Gaga
Brave by Sara Bareilles
I absolutely LOVE applause it's my new army jam... Okay back to army life for now...