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Sunday, 27 May 2012


So excited! It's finally the June Holidays although I can't really call it a holiday because my mid year examinations are right after the holiday which is in 3 weeks time! But I'm trying to enjoy and reuvenate myself a little bit over the weekend before starting on my studies. So I haven't been blogging for awhile now because the past 2 weeks have been freaking tiring and stressful with homework after homework(mostly art which is also self imposed because art seems to be never done) and sleepless nights. A levels is just 5 months away and I'm beginning to feel the pressure... I'm beginning to sense some hypocrisy within me. I seem to be judging people and expect not to be judged. I think that's the world we live in today. We fight to have our own rights, to argue about how someone else is being unreasonable, but yet unknowingly we do the same. I have tried to always be impartial,nice and friendly to everyone I know because I know exactly how it feels like to be judged and marginalized. But there is this girl in my class who I feel is extremely arrogant even though she's unaware of it. She makes snide comments either openly or to herself about things which doesn't even concern her. She speaks with good pronunciation almost to the point of coming off as arrogant. I know that may be her natural personality and how she has been brought up, but I sometimes wonder to myself, isn't she aware that she is coming off this way? In a way, I feel great pity for her, because I know in the future if she continues to act the way she does, she's definately going to be judged and criticized everywhere she goes and I can't imagine how that would feel for her. She seems to know people talk behind her back though and displays some paranoia. But I think she ignores it because she still acts like an arrogant bitch. She's a bubbly and cheerful girl, but it's overshadows by her overbearing dominance. The other day when I took a cab with her, the taxi driver asked where she wanted to go in a singlish manner and she answered him in a perfect, almost british accent and draggy way and I thought that was really rude. Maybe it's just me, but when someone speaks to me in a Singlish way I'd reply him in a normal way, like a normal person would. It doesn't have to be borken English,, but just how I would speak to a normal friend. I know people who talk to her and treat her nice and be friendly with her but I don't think anyone could actually be good friends with her simply because she seems to look down on everyone and forces her own rules on others. The people who actually talk to her are really,really nice people and I can see why they can get along with her, but for average people like me, I can't stand it. I don't like her and I don't want to talk to her. That's a little mean, but for my own sake and sanity, not talking to her is the only way to keep my sanity and calm because she always makes me feel inferior in a way. That's how it is, we judge everyone,everyday... But I think the best way to avoid judging people, is to simply not talk to them once you feel they are full of negativity and make you feel inferior. We are all hypocrites on different levels, we just need someone to bring it out of us.

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