What a journey it has been these 9 weeks! I can't believe I survived BMT! Anyway the 24km route march on Saturday night/Sunday morning was a killer... Halfway through my thighs and literally the entire bottom half of my body was aching really badly.. And one guy from my platoon fell out(unfortunately). I dropped my phone during the route march too.. Because during the march I decided to play party songs and I started dancing and my phone dropped out of my vest's pocket and now my iPhone's button is spoilt.. Sigh. Anyway, once we reached the f1 Circuit we were already celebrating..Then we were told to change into our smart fall (which we so painstakingly folded to make the sleeves perfect) and guess what happened right after we changed.. it started raining.. (Literally raining on my parade) .. And we were soaked! We were rushing to take cover but we were still drenched. Thank god we had 2 hours of break before the actual parade and we used it to sleep. It was so fucking uncomfortable but it felt like heaven just to lie down and rest and I can't believe I actually slept quite peacefully on the concrete car park floor.. With a rifle on my body and the rock hard field pack as a pillow..
A photo my friend took of me..
Anyway, here are some photos..
A photo taken from the audience from by my mom.. Look at the perso on the top left corner.. Yup that's me. What the fuck is up with my face!?
With Vais and Hairizad.. Who came down for me..
My amazing platoon.. Platoon 3..
Bumped into so many people from school!
The moment we threw our jockey cap was a feeling like no other.. It was a weird feeling of sadness and happiness at the same time. Happy that we are over the bullshit punishments and scolding a we got every single day, but sad because we got punished as brothers, and created real bonds..
Now, I'm going to embark on a new chapter in my NS-life. Hopefully the bonds I forged wont break...
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